
Old Enough to Know Better

Be seen.


Great product, emerging athlete.

Even the best projects rely on various factors coming together to make them a success. When Wahoo fitness approached us to work on the PR, additional content and distribution of both the West Highland Way film and Old Enough to know better we knew that good old fashioned comms work would be required.

Rab Wardell is a fantastic rider but had a profile that had dropped over the last 10 years. Reviving that in the press' mind would be the first challenge, and the content itself would engage the audience, while to many, Rab was a new and exciting face. So old, it's new, as the saying goes.  How we utilised and leveraged that for Wahoo's benefit was the next challenge. 



Having over 20 years experience in the cycling industry was going to be pivotal to this project - so we rolled up our sleeves, developed unique stories and content, spoke to the media, and lined Rab up on the most listened podcasts of the moment.  

We wanted to get eyeballs on these projects and while many can easily discount the traditional media, they can do a lot of heavy lifting if they like the angle of a project. And they did.


Eyeballs locked.

A combination of fantastic productions, strong PR and media across social, web and print - from both endemic and non-endemic - lifted both projects above expectations. 


As the data shows, our efforts speak for themselves. 
