When speed is crucial, safety is paramount
The protection market of cycling is saturated. With easy access to manufacturers, many brands have adopted an approach of white label protection goods.
G form are different. This is fantastic as it offers a point of difference, yet also makes the sell that little bit harder.
The consumer will ask why it's different, how it's superior to the standard padding on offer, and ultimately why should they part with their hard earned?
We were tasked with laying that out in a simple, rider led campaign.
Our approach
Story led content and explainers
Having the chance to work with multiple world champion Tracy Mosely is too good to pass up.
We knew Tracy had an amazing story that would pull in viewers, and allow us to create some secondary product led videos on the back of good editorial.
We planned one film on Tracy's history with accompanying press and distribution, and 5 product videos to cover all riding genres. They would also be used as key POS materials, helping amplify Tracy's association with the brand.
A new set of tools for multiple touch points
We launched the story led documentary first to ensure that, in such a savvy market, this didn't come across as traditional advertising. By combing specialist press distribution, Tracy's own platform and the brand's platform, the video quickly racked numbers on G-Forms owned platforms.
By following up with a series of short videos, which we then output in multi-platform and out-of-home versions, we gave G-form content that backed up their unique approach and tied Tracy's association into the whole sequence.
This gave G-form a strong online campaign across the outdoor cycling sectors while also ensuring that they could roll out key information and marketing assets to national distributors to use at a regional level.