Dou_h & Co reached out to us to help launch their new, bake at home pizza delivery service. Already established as a leading gluten free pizza brand, this new venture required some heavy front end lifting explainers and visuals across multiple platforms. We were able to step right in.....
Making food a fun event
Firstly we asked, what's constitutes success here? After a scoping exercise with Dou_h & co, we settled on a tightly developed brief. We then worked up a creative story board that involved all the best things about pizza - socialising, sharing, anticipation and the ability to stamp your own take on your creation.
Over two days we shot with a mixture of talent, in different aspect ratios and ensuring that each media platform would be catered for - subtle tweaks in content framing and pacing can make all the difference between success or failure on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. We had it covered.
Massive reach, strong up take in orders.
Product launches are all about exposure and eyeballs - and with nearly 600k views on the initial Instagram launch, with over 260 comments, we certainly helped Dou_h & Co achieve that. The video garnered an equal amount of success on Facebook, and with Dou_h & Co understanding the fundamental need for fun, authentic social media interaction, the pizza kit launch was an all-round success.